PhD Program in 2IP normally requires as a full-time commitment in keeping with the French model and eligible candidates who successfully receive the approbation of the Academic Committee can continue in the PhD program.
All 2IP students must take a total of 36-45 course credits and should discuss their course selection with the Adviser and the Dean of the Academic Affairs prior to their research plan of their proposed dissertation.
All 2IP PhD students are required to pass the comprehensive examination at the end of the course work in keeping with the French model of DEA (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) pre-dissertation.
All 2IP PhD students are required to demonstrate knowledge of a foreign language other than English on an intermediate level in fostering their research and analysis. In addition, 2IP PhD students are required to submit to the International Center for research a 4-typed bound copy dissertation of at least 450 pages of individual research and analysis. The 2IP is to conduct a joint research program with the International Research Center of the University Paris X-Nanterre.
All PhD students having successfully completed their required courses and the pre-dissertation comprehensive examination within two years have the possibility to write up their PhD dissertation within two or more years period in keeping with the French PhD Model and must defend the said dissertation.